Payment Event Alert

The Payment Event alert will provide you with a notice whenever there is any relevant payment activity generated through eBill on a Billing Account.  A payment related activity includes not only actual payments, but also payment related notices such as when a credit card that is enrolled to recurring payment is about to expire.  For this alert you can enroll up to a maximum of 50 Billing Accounts to receive these alerts.

This includes:

§         Notification when a one-time payment is made in eBill.

§         Notification when a recurring payment is set up, modified, or removed in eBill.

§         Warning when your Credit or Check Card that is enrolled to recurring payment is nearing expiration, or has expired.

The Payment Event alert is available to the following user roles:

§         Company Administrator

§         Billing Account Manager


Related Topics

Billing Account Payment Activities

Subscribing to Alerts

Parameters - Payment Event