View Subscriber Data Roaming Details

Data Roaming includes any usage that occurred outside of your home calling area.  This includes any international roaming data usage that may occur when a wireless device is used while in another country.  Usage is considered home or roaming based on the rate plan and features associated with the wireless number .

In many cases, there may not be any data roaming details for a given billing period.  If this is the case, the Subscriber Usage Summary page will not contain a link to Data Roaming Details.

The details for each Data Roaming record appear in a table row including:

§         Date and time of the usage

§         Number sent to/received from

§         Type of data usage (Text Message, Media Net, DataConnect, etc.)

§         Kilobytes  (KB)/Megabytes  (MB)/Number of Messages (Msg)/Minutes (Min) Used

§         The feature and rate period charged

§         Any charges associated with the usage

Additionally, the table contains header rows that indicate roaming locations.  Records are arranged so all usage that occurred in the same roaming location is grouped together.  Also, total rows are provided for each roaming location.  You cannot sort the columns of this table.

When you view billed usage details, you can sort the Feature column to group all the same type of usage together.  See Sort Tables.

View Subscriber Data Roaming Details is available for all user roles.


View Subscriber Data Roaming Details

1.      On the Subscriber Usage Summary page, in the Usage Summary section under Data click Mobile to Web.  The Subscriber Data Roaming Usage Details page appears.

    If Mobile to Web does not appear under Data, the wireless number has no data roaming records for the selected billing period.

2.      Select the Billing Period that you want.  See Select Billing Periods and Change Dates.


Related Topics

View Subscriber Usage Summary

Select Billing Periods and Change Dates

View Subscriber Voice Roaming Details

View Subscriber Data Usage Details